Finance Council

The Parish Finance Council meets on a quarterly basis with the parish priest to attend to the temporal affairs of the parish; revenue, expenses, loans, investments, bookkeeping, repairs, construction, contracts, sales, purchases, employee relations, salaries, etc. in accordance with diocesan regulations and policies.

Parish Finance Council Membership: Joe Basile, Marie Trojan, Mario Houde and Gordon Greffe

Parish Pastoral Council (PPC)

The Parish Pastoral Council (PPC) enables members of Our Lady of Visitation Parish to have an active leadership role in the affairs of their parish.

The PPC is a consultative body sharing with the pastor the planning and coordinating of the overall policies and goals of the parish. Fulfilling his role of pastoral leadership, the pastor is the president of the PPC and collaborates closely with its chair and vice-chair. The PPC strives to reach consensus on issues it addresses, and the ordinary disposition of the pastor is to act in accord with the conclusions of the PPC unless there are overriding reasons which are to be made clear to its members.

The Parish Pastoral Council (PPC) is made of up to 10 members – six elected, three appointed, and the pastor as an ex officio member having a voice but no vote. The term of office for an elected member is three years – renewable once. Appointed members are named for a three-year term, renewable as required.

The current PPC Chair is Tim Hubers. Please contact the parish office for further information.

Parish Council Constitution (PDF format)