Photo of Cross on bible

Sacramental Preparation

There are three Sacraments of Initiation, or belonging, through which people become full members of the Body of Christ, the Church. 

These sacraments include Baptism, First Communion, and Confirmation.

Each sacrament is an individual, personal encounter with Christ.

Sacramental preparation programs are offered for children and adults.

Sacrament of Baptism

The practice of infant baptism began in the early church as parents wanted to pass along their faith and values to their children. Today infant baptism is available to children under the age of reason or about seven.

The Church requires that parents are duly prepared for the baptism. Therefore, a preparation session is provided before the baptism of your child. Godparents are invited to join in the preparation sessions, if possible. Godparents (sponsors) play a very important role in the spiritual life of your child. They should serve as role models of the faith. They not only support your child but also the parents in their role as Christian parents.

Click here to learn more about preparing for baptism at OLV.

Baptisms at OLV are generally held on the second and fourth Sundays of the month (except during Advent and Lent).

To register your child for Baptism and request a Baptism date, please complete this Baptism Registration Form.

If you have questions, contact the parish office or email 

After your request for baptism has been submitted, you will be contacted to attend a Baptism Preparation Meeting.

Baptismal font

Sacramental Preparation for School-Age Children: First Communion and Confirmation

First Sacraments

Sacramental preparation programs at OLV are family and parish-based and are complemented by the teaching the children receive in our Catholic schools.  Both the First Reconciliation/First Communion (grade 2 and above) and the Confirmation (grade 6 and above) programs commence each Fall with parent meetings. Parents are reminded that children can only receive the sacraments if they have first been baptized. A copy of your child’s baptismal certificate is required to register for sacramental preparation.

Information regarding the meeting schedules and the programs is communicated via the parish bulletin and Sunday announcements, the parish website and the Saint Mary School newsletter.  Parents seeking additional information are encouraged to contact the parish office.

2024-25 First Reconciliation/First Communion Program

Information Meetings:

Sacramental preparation information sessions for parents/guardians will be held on:

Wednesday, October 16th at 7:00 PM or 
Sunday, October 27th at 12:30 PM.

Both meetings will be held in the church. It is only necessary to attend one meeting.

If you miss the meetings or require additional information, please email:

Program registrations are accepted until December 31.

2024-25 Confirmation Program

Information Meetings:

Sacramental preparation information sessions for parents/guardians will be held on:

Sunday, November 3rd @ 12:30 PM or
Wednesday, November 13th @ 7:00 PM.

Both meetings will be held in the church. It is only necessary to attend one meeting.

If you miss the meetings or require additional information at this time, please email:

Program registrations are accepted until December 31.

New team members for sacramental preparation programs are most welcome. All that is required is a desire to help children and their parents through these important stages of their faith.

Adult Faith Formation

RCIA - The Rite of Christian Initiation of Adults


The RCIA (Rite of Christian Initiation for Adults) is for non-baptized adults and baptized adult Christians who desire full communion in the Roman Catholic Church. We also welcome baptized Catholics who have yet to receive the Sacrament of Confirmation. It is a process of faith-sharing, learning, and exploration with specific liturgical rites usually beginning in October, with sacraments celebrated at the Easter Vigil and a period of reflection and celebration which follows. Participants are introduced to the liturgy, life and teachings of the Roman Catholic Church.

The RCIA is best described as a journey. While there are regular meetings and discussion times, each candidate is called by Christ through the movement of the Holy Spirit at their own pace. Most will be received into the Church in one year, but candidates are invited to take their own time. Some have even been known to step back for a period of weeks or months. No one should feel pressure to complete the journey.



Alpha is a series of interactive sessions that explore the meaning of life and answer some of the most common questions people have about the Christian faith. Alpha is designed for adults, ages 18 and up.

Each session involves dessert and coffee, a 29-minute video, and a small group discussion time.

Alpha programs are currently underway in some Ottawa parishes. To learn more, please visit the Archdiocese of Ottawa website.

Watch for announcements about the next Alpha Program being offered at OLV.

For further information on these programs, please contact the parish office at 613-822-2197 or email